R. Pieters
Python for image understanding link
A good talk for beginners
Chih-Fan Hsu, Chun-Ming Chang
Great training course in Chinese, made by Data Insights Research Lab in Academia Sinica
Neural networks and deep learnings
A very comprehensive tutorial written by Michael Nielsen
Christopher Olah
A good blog to visualize NN
Geoffrey E. Hinton et al.
A fast learning algorithm for deep belief nets,
Neural computation, 2006
The breakthrough paper that introduces restricted Boltzmann machines
and stacked deep-belief networks
Y LeCun,
Y Bengio,
G Hinton
Deep Learning, Nature, 2015
Review paper written by fathers of neural networks
Deep Learning Tools
Open source library developed by Google with C++ core and Python
A wrapper for Theano and Tensorflow, very user friendly.
DL library for Python
developed by Université de
A fast and scalable C++ DL
framework for visual recognition. Based on Caffe from UC Berkely
Deep Reinforcement Learning
Tambet Matiisen
Great introduction. Algorithms are implemented with Neon
Arhtur Juliani
Open AI Gym
A framework let your RL algorithms play video games
Mnih, et al.
Human-Level Control through Deep Reinforcement Learning, Nature,
Deep Q-network (DQN) by Google Deep Mind (code)
David Sliver, Aja Huang et al.
Paper of AlphaGo, period.
DL for Image Classification and Object Detection
An image database with 14 million images organized according to
the WordNet hierarchy
Hold the Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) challenges
every year
Alex Krizhevsky
Ilya Sutskever
Geoffrey E. Hinton
Karen Simonyan, Andrew Zisserman
Winner of ILSVRC 2014
C. Szegedy et al.
Google Research
Going Deeper with Convolutions, CVPR 2015
K. He et al.
Microsoft Research
Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition,
CVPR 2016
CVPR 2016 best paper and winner of ILSVRC 2015, aka ResNet
DL for Image
A. Karpathy
Li Fei-Fei
Deep Visual-Semantic Alignments for Generating Image Descriptions, CVPR
Justin Johnson
Andrej Karpathy
Li Fei-Fei
DenseCap: Fully Convolutional Localization Networks
for Dense Captio, CVPR 2016
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DL for Video Applications (CVPR 2016)
Ting Yao et al.
Michael Cgyli et al.
B. Tekin et al.
Bingbing Li. et al.
Pingbo Pan et al.
Zheng Shou,
Dongang Wang, Shih-Fu Chang
Ziwei Liu et al.
Xiaofan Zhang et al.
Other Video Applications (CVPR
Jingjing Meng et al.
From Keyframes to Key Objects:
Video Summarization by Representative Object Proposal Selection [pdf] |
K. Grauman et al.
Feng Zhou, Yuanqing Lin
This is Kuan-Ting Lai's technical blog. My personal website is at sites.google.com/site/kuantinglai
2017年5月2日 星期二
Deep Learning Reading List (Tools, Tutorials, Papers)
文章 (Atom)